Issue sound deflationary money to replace debased fiat currency
Create a safe haven for people to protect their wealth from inflation
Give ordinary people the ability to avoid expropriation by the State
Generate a new economy free from government taxation and interference
We propose a new money separated completely from the State. A money with a fixed supply. A zero rate of inflation, distributed fairly to those who need it most; the young people of the world.
FREEDOM RESERVE is declared as money in the year 2020 with the intention of giving the people an alternative to corrupt banker controlled money and to allow them to preserve and multiply their wealth for future generations.
Freedom Reserve aims to create a perfect currency in order to compete with state backed currency.
Freedom Reserve mainnet will burn transaction fees equal to the block reward
A proof of stake system that removes the need for hardware mining lowers transaction fees considerably
Freedom Reserve reaches finality typically in ≤ 1 second, which is significantly lower than both longest-chain protocols and sharded blockchains
Liberty* protocols, which can build a DAG, reach 5000+ tps while retaining full decentralisation. 10,000+ can be achieved through higher bandwidth
Freedom Reserve Mainnet will allow anyone to issue fully customizable assets and applications
All chain parameters will be decided by tokenvote. Proof of stake avoids hardware manufacturing centralisation
Freedom Reserve was launched at £1000 market cap on the open market allowing anyone interested to participate
Zero carbon emissions while ending wars and exploitation by the state creating a net benefit for the environment
Zero Knowledge transactions allow anonymous transactions.